1Jun 24, 2015
The best way to make sure a business is going to be successful is to create a business plan. It doesn’t need to be pages long and take you days and days to complete. Below is a quick 30 Minute Business Plan. A good business plan will help you figure out approximately what your business […]
2Jun 24, 2015
True entrepreneurs struggle with their business opportunities for a variety of reasons. Among the most obvious are a lack of capital, lack of understanding about marketing, and personnel issues. However, from my own entrepreneurial experience and knowledge of others, there are three major reasons individuals fail in entrepreneurial ventures. They neglect to set realistic goals […]
3Jun 24, 2015
My biggest problem in becoming self-employed was me. In order to BE a self-employed person I had to start thinking like one. I found myself reverting to that nine-to-five mentality. If I wasn’t accomplishing a task every hour, then I must not really be working. Sometimes a self-employed person has to make decisions about her […]
4Jun 24, 2015
Whether you are interested in making money from home as a full time job or as one in multiple streams of income, it is important to focus on time management. Home businesses are enticing because, let’s face it everyone would love to cut their commute time from an hour to the two minutes it takes […]
5Jun 24, 2015
If the financial independence of self-employment appeals to you – no boss, no income limits as to time and wage, and the ability to let your personal drive determine your compensation – then you will no doubt be eagerly going over the many options available to release you from your current job. However, the rush […]
6Jun 24, 2015
Probably the biggest problem with being a small business owner is right there in that phrase. Small. Small means few or no employees. Small means you end up doing most, if not all, business tasks yourself. Whether or not you’re any good at them. But even if you ARE perfectly capable at completing those tasks, […]
7Jan 23, 2015
People often tell me that they are amazed at how willing I am to take risks. For me, it’s less about the risk itself, and more about the opportunity and excitement it generates, which compels me to step out of my comfort zone again and again. So, how do you view risk? Most people I […]
8Jan 21, 2015
Online training is known by numerous names and acronyms—computer-based training (CBT), web-based training (WBT), cyber-training, distance learning, e-learning, etc. By whatever name, online training is a method of delivering training through an electronic medium without the immediate presence of a human instructor. By taking advantage of technology, online training can be more cost effective by […]